May 9, 2022
Who doesn’t have a pandemic story? My pandemic story, like so many others, Includes life-altering changes and great sorrow. However, my story also includes joy, grace and an amazing blessing.
Shortly after the start of the pandemic began, my husband and I sold our forever home in Atlanta to move to Ohio and make a new home with my elderly father during the final years of his life. Blessed with love during our time together, we now move into our future holding dear the many shared memories and stories.
Our new home is situated on a farm with a number of acres of natural woodland and adjoining meadows, as well as farmed land. Our house sits on a low rise in the midst of this idyllic rural setting, nestled among clusters of beautiful oaks and maples.
One of these tree clusters, consisting of three magnificent golden maple trees, has become a central part of our new life and home— helping us to celebrate the seasons, measuring the amount of ice we’ve had from a winter’s storm, watching the cycle of life with the unfolding of spring buds becoming summer’s leaves, eventually bathing the air with the glow of fall’s golden color. Sentinels to the wildlife surrounding us, the trees are a place for robins to nest, a place to come home to for so many migrating birds, and a place where the weary hummingbirds and orioles fill their bellies as they return to their summer home. They are a peaceful place to repose from a hard day’s work, a place to enjoy a cold beverage together while sharing stories from our day, a place where my father napped while lulled by the ever present breeze.
These paintings are dedicated to the beauty of nature. They are portraits of these beautiful, living trees, a nod to and celebration of their constant but ever changing presence in our new life.